

Every year the SNETP Association organises or supports organisation of different types of events, such as the SNETP Annual Forum, international conferences (PLIM, NDE, …), Information days (for collaborative project coordinators, sectorial SMEs, academia, etc.), as well as sessions with national stakeholders.

SNETP Forum 2023 – Picture gallery

SNETP Forum 2023 Proceedings

SNETP FORUM 2023 proceedings

Click here to download the proceedings.

SNETP Forum 2022 – Picture gallery

SNETP Forum 2022 presentations

2 June 2022

The challenges of nuclear energy in Europe, Bernard Salha, SNETP President


Nuclear codes and standards and supply chain

Digital and robotics

R&D&I facilities

Waste minimization and fuel cycle

The role of nuclear energy in mitigating climate change including non-electrical applications (hydrogen, heat, etc.)

SNETP FORUM 2022 proceedings

Click here to download the proceedings.

SNETP Forum 2021 presentations

Day 1 – 2 February 2021

Presentation of SNETP Strategy – Bernard Salha, EDF, SNETP President

Presentation of the vision of SNETP pillars: ESNII, NC2I & NUGENIA – Marc Schyns, SCK-CEN; Józef Sobolewski, NCBJ & Steve Napier, NNL

Panel discussion:

Days 2 & 3 February 2021

TS1 – Long term operation & construction (moderated by Pavel Kral, UJV & Luis Herranz, CIEMAT)

TS2 – SMRs (Eric Hanus, CEA & Rob Arnold, BEIS

TS3 – Fuel development and fuel cycle efficiency (moderated by Steve Napier, NIRO & Bruno Michel, CEA)

TS4 – Innovative and perspective materials solutions (moderated by Lorenzo Malerba, CIEMAT & Karl-Fredrik Nilsson, JRC)

TS5 – Energy Systems, new applications, economy, licensing (moderated by Marc Deffrennes, weCARE & Franck Carré, CEA)

TS6 – Decommissioning & waste treatment (moderated by Erika Holt, VTT & Anthony Banford, NNL

TS7 – Advanced reactor systems (moderated by Paul Schuurmans, SCK-CEN & Nathan Paterson, Foratom

TS8 – Digitalisation – Modelling and Simulation (moderated by Ferry Roelofs, NRG & Didier Banner, EDF)

SNETP FORUM 2021 proceedings

Click here to download the proceedings.

Upcoming events of interest


August 25 - August 28

NENE Event 2024

September 9 - September 12