




This 3-year project, funded by EURATOM, brings together 10 partners to strengthen SNETP’s position in the European nuclear and non-nuclear research ecosystem. The project aims to ensure nuclear fission remains the EU’s largest, secure, competitive, flexible, and reliable supplier of low-carbon electricity. It also explores alternative nuclear applications, develops cross-cutting technologies, and focuses on key enablers such as high-quality skills and competences, R&D infrastructures, knowledge management, and international cooperation. Funding opportunities have been made available for cross-sectorial studies related to nuclear.

Call for Studies


As part of the SNETPFORWARD Project, SNETP launched a call for studies in 2023.

These studies were designed to support SNETP and the community in making informed strategic decisions, focusing on three key topics:

  1. Nuclear Research Landscape
  2. Nuclear & Digital Innovation
  3. Technico-economic study on the impact of the Ukrainian conflict on the Ukrainian and European nuclear R&D&I landscape

The call was open to all, providing an opportunity for contributors to help shape the future of the nuclear sector. Evaluations were conducted by SNETP’s Scientific and Industrial Committee (SIIC), along with external reviewers. The original deadline of 15 November 2023 was extended by one month, allowing more time for submissions.

Call Booster SME



Study Results


Following the call for studies in 2023, SNETP and the jury have selected two important reports in 2024: a techno-economic study on the impact of the Ukrainian conflict on SNETP and nuclear R&D&I, conducted by ENCO, and an assessment of the EU’s nuclear research, development, and innovation landscape, along with workforce readiness for decarbonization, prepared by Jensen Hughes, Finland Oy.

The executive summaries are available below. Full reports can be accessed by SNETP members via our member platform.

SNETP Booster

The general objective of this booster, conducted in 2023, was to provide small entities (SMEs and Startups), members of the association, with tailored support to maximize their chances of participating in EU collaborative projects. Recognizing that SMEs are key drivers of innovation, the initiative aimed to improve their representation in EU project consortia.

The SNETP booster initiative has now concluded, having successfully assisted participating SMEs throughout 2023 in navigating and engaging with EU collaborative opportunities. If you’re interested in the details of how the call was organized, you can find the brochure below.

Description of Work and Deliverables


WP1 Reinforcing SNETP GB committees’ operation – EDF
WP2 Strengthening interactions with European & international stakeholders – EDF
WP3 Launching specific studies – NRG
WP4 Boosting innovation within SNETP – ORANO
WP5 Project Management & Communication – EDF

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