
SNETP is composed of a General Assembly, a Presidency, a Governing Board, three Pillars (NUGENIA, ESNII and NC2I), three Committees (Committee for Scientific and Industrial Innovation, International and European Affairs Committee and the Stakeholders Engagement Committee) and a Support Office.

SNETP Presidency

Bernard Salha
Bernard SalhaSNETP President
Chief Technical Officer and R&D Director at EDF in France
Peter Baeten
Peter BaetenSNETP Vice President
Deputy Director General at SKC-CEN in Belgium

SNETP Pillars

Baptiste Pothet
Baptiste PothetNUGENIA Chair
Head of international R&D partnerships at Framatome
Anthony Banford
Anthony BanfordNUGENIA Vice-chair
Chief Technologist and Visiting Professor at National Nuclear Laboratory
Roberto Adinolfi
Roberto AdinolfiESNII Chair
Chairman of the Board in Ansaldo Nucleare spa and Ansaldo Nuclear Ltd
Marc Schyns
Marc SchynsESNII Vice-chair
Director of Advanced Nuclear Systems Institute of SCK-CEN
Józef Sobolewski
Józef Sobolewski NC2I Chair
Plenipotentiary Director for High Temperature Reactors Development at the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Poland
Dominique Hittner
Dominique HittnerNC2I Vice-chair

SNETP Governing Board (private sector) 

John William Stairmand
John William Stairmand Jacobs
Maria Teresa Dominguez Bautista
Maria Teresa Dominguez Bautista EAI
Kiki Lauwers
Kiki LauwersCEO at Thorizon
Lou Martinez Sancho
Lou Martinez Sancho Executive Vice President R&D and Innovation at Westinghouse
Christophe Schneidesch
Christophe SchneideschTractebel
Eero Vesaoja
Eero VesaojaFortum
Gerald Senentz
Gerald Senentz Orano
Ales Laciok
Ales LaciokCEZ

SNETP Governing Board (research)

Stéphane Sarrade
Stéphane SarradeCEA
Oliver Marchand
Oliver MarchandIRSN
Alessandro Dodaro
Alessandro DodaroENEA
Petri Kinnunen
Petri KinnunenVTT
Ferry Roelofs
Ferry RoelofsNRG
Leon Cizelj
Leon CizeljJSI
Enrique Gonzalez
Enrique GonzalezCIEMAT
Paul Nevitt
Paul NevittNational Nuclear Laboratory

SNETP General Secretariat

Abderrahim Al Mazouzi
Abderrahim Al MazouziEDF
Albannie Cagnac
Albannie CagnacEDF
Michael Fütterer
Michael FüttererJRC
Elisabeth Guillaut
Elisabeth GuillautOrano
Oliver Martin
Oliver MartinJRC
Szabolcs Szávai
Szabolcs SzávaiBAY-ENG
Stéphanie Cornet
Stéphanie CornetCEA
Luis E. Herranz
Giuseppe Marzo
Giuseppe Marzo ENEA
Ivan Horvatovic
Ivan Horvatovic SCK CEN
Thierry Ethvignot
Thierry Ethvignot ASNR
Andrei Goicea
Andrei GoiceaNuclearEurope
Jana Kalivodova
Jana Kalivodova UJV