SNETP news

Register for the SNETP Forum 2022!

The SNETP Forum 2022 edition will be held on 2 June 2022 in Lyon, France, in conjunction with FISA’2022 (10th Euratom Conference on Reactor Safety) and EURADWASTE’22 (10th Euratom Conference Radioactive Waste Management). The SNETP Forum 2022 will aim at discussing and analysing recent technological innovations in different fields selected by the SNETP Scientific Committee

2022-06-13T17:22:33+02:00May 3rd, 2022|Events, SNETP news|Comments Off on Register for the SNETP Forum 2022!

The EURATOM projects OFFERR and SNETPFORWARD have been selected for funding!

The Euratom projects OFFERR and SNETPFORWARD have been selected for funding by the European Commission. SNETPFORWARD is a three year project whose aim is to help the SNETP association consolidate its structure, strengthen its position in the SET-Plan and among the European ETIPs, enhance its ability to interact with the European and International associations and

2022-04-18T15:23:26+02:00April 19th, 2022|SNETP news|Comments Off on The EURATOM projects OFFERR and SNETPFORWARD have been selected for funding!

NC2I Chair attended the 15th SET Plan Conference

The 15th Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) conference took place in Bled (Slovenia) on the 25th and 26th of November 2021. The theme of the conference was “Research and Innovation to deliver a just and sustainable energy transition”. The conference was organized by the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the European Union and

2021-12-20T10:21:05+01:00December 20th, 2021|European news, Events, SNETP news|Comments Off on NC2I Chair attended the 15th SET Plan Conference

The EC releases a publication on the high level European nuclear roundtable

The European Commission has released a publication on the high level European nuclear roundtable that, SNETP along with other key nuclear stakeholders,  attended on 12 May 2021. The roundtable was organised by Commissioner Gabriel in collaboration with the Portuguese Presidency of the EU and the European Parliament to discuss future research and innovation, to increase

2021-09-24T09:42:56+02:00September 20th, 2021|European news, Publications, SNETP news|Comments Off on The EC releases a publication on the high level European nuclear roundtable

ESNII publishes its Vision Paper

The European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative (ESNII), one of SNETP’s three pillars, has published its Vision paper. This document presents ESNII mission, vision, deployment strategy and intended actions. ESNII addresses the need for demonstration of Generation IV Fast Neutron Reactor technologies, together with supporting research infrastructures, fuel facilities and R&D work. ESNII’s main goal is to

2021-07-05T16:58:40+02:00July 5th, 2021|SNETP news|Comments Off on ESNII publishes its Vision Paper

NUGENIA Vision is now available!

The Nuclear Generation II & III Alliance (NUGENIA), one of SNETP's three pillars, has published its Vision paper. This document aims to stress the need for strong international collaboration and financial support from the private and public sectors to ensure safe and efficient production of low carbon energy. NUGENIA is dedicated to the research and

2021-06-29T14:54:15+02:00June 29th, 2021|SNETP news|Comments Off on NUGENIA Vision is now available!

SNETP calls on negotiators and policy makers at COP26 to promote collaboration between nuclear and renewables

SNETP has signed the petition Save Our Climate - Acknowledge that Net Zero Needs Nuclear at COP26 led by Nuclear for Climate. This petition, signed by over 100 societies and governmental organisations, calls on negotiators and policy makers at COP26 to "take a scientific and technology-neutral approach to energy policy and financing which can promote sustainable collaboration

2021-06-02T10:47:33+02:00June 4th, 2021|SNETP news|Comments Off on SNETP calls on negotiators and policy makers at COP26 to promote collaboration between nuclear and renewables

SNETP attends the European Commission’s High-level European Nuclear Industry Roundtable

On 12 May 2021, SNETP representatives participated in a high-level European Nuclear Industry Roundtable organised by the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel (download agenda). The roundtable focused on future European research and innovation priorities and on attracting talents in the nuclear sector, and was held as a follow up

2021-06-01T17:31:53+02:00June 1st, 2021|European news, SNETP news|Comments Off on SNETP attends the European Commission’s High-level European Nuclear Industry Roundtable

SNETP FORUM 2021 Proceedings

SNETP has published the proceedings of the 2021 FORUM that gathered over 630 participants to discuss innovation R&D in civil nuclear fission. The SNETP FORUM 2021 consisted of a plenary session in which SNETP's strategy and the vision of its three pillars were presented, followed by a panel discussion to exchange views on the resilience

2021-04-06T10:22:46+02:00March 14th, 2021|Events, SNETP news|Comments Off on SNETP FORUM 2021 Proceedings
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