APAL Workshop “Procedures currently applied to the integrity assessment of RPVs subjected to PTS loading”
Zurich, SwitzerlandThe APAL project will hold a workshop on "Procedures currently applied to the integrity assessment of RPVs subjected to PTS loading" on 30 and 31 March 2022 in Villigen, Switzerland. In this event experts will give an overview on the procedures currently applied to the integrity assessment of Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPVs) subjected to Pressurized
ESFR-SMART Seminar on Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Severe Accidents
The Seminar on Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Severe Accidents is organized in the framework of the ESFR-SMART Project. An overview of the past, present and future SFR projects will be given during the meeting, accompanied by short lectures on the fundamentals of SFR. Master's and doctoral students make up the main audience for this meeting,
IAEA International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles
Beijing, ChinaThe IAEA International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) will take place from 25 to 28 April 2022 in Beijing, China. The FR22 Conference, hosted by the China Institute for Atomic Energy (CIAE), is a follow-up of previous IAEA Conferences: FR09 (Kyoto, 2009), FR13 (Paris, 2013)
SNETP General Assembly
Brussels, BelgiumThe upcoming SNETP General Assembly will be held in Brussels on 3-4 May 2022 starting at 14:00 on the 3rd and finishing at noon on the 4th. In addition to traditional formal agenda points (approval of the accounts, activity report, membership fees, budget 2022, etc.), the new Governing Board will be elected.
AMETIS School on Advanced Manufacturing for Energy and Transportation
From June 26 to July 1 in Taglio, France, the CEA-INSTN is organizing the 1st International School AMETIS on Advanced Manufacturing for Energy and Transportation. The event will focus on technological concepts in materials processes related to 3D printing, nanomanufacturing as well as the latest generations of thin film deposition processes. Registrations are opened here
Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10) Conference Symposium
The symposium will take place during the bi-annual Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10) conference in person in Baltimore, USA, from 2-7 October 2022. Following previous MMM conferences conclusions, the symposium will focus on the investigation of thermo-kinetic properties, phase transformations, and microstructure evolution of nuclear materials on the nano- and meso-scale. More information about the
European workshop on Magneto-hydrodynamics in liquid metal systems (MHD)
Within the ESFR-SMART project, the University of Latvia, Krakow (Institute of Physics) organises a workshop from 8 to 12 July 2022. The workshop will focus on topics such as magneto-hydrodynamics, thermal-hydraulics and technologies (ie EM pumps, thermopumps, instrumentation etc.) as well as issues concerning the safety of sodium fast reactors. Registrations are opened here.
IAEA Technical Meeting on the Safety of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors and Molten Salt Reactors
Vienna, Austria ViennaThe Technical meeting on the Safety of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors and Molten Salt Reactors, held both in Vienna and virtually, will focus on the support of future development of the IAEA safety standards. Participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and discuss challenges while focusing on key areas of safety of HTGR
NUGENIA TA8 – ENIQ spring meetings
Amsterdam, NetherlandsNUGENIA TA8 - ENIQ spring meetings will take place on 10-12 May in Amsterdam. Please download the invitation for more information.
European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR) 2022
Karlsruhe, GermanyThe 10th edition of the European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR) 2022 of the SARNET network is organised in the framework of the Technical Area 2 of NUGENIA in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This open conference will focus, 11 years after the Fukushima accident, on the latest progress of international
Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education
VirtualFrom 18 to 20 May 2022, the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education will focus on the status of innovative technologies, solutions to accelerate project implementation in Europe as well as explore new opportunities ensuring the qualified human resource for the nuclear field. You can register now!
Lyon, FranceThe Euratom Conferences FISA 2022 – EURADWASTE ’22, organised by the French Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission, will take place from 30 May to 3 June 2022 in Lyon, France. This will be the 10th edition of the Euratom research and training conferences on fission safety of reactor systems
SNETP Forum 2022
Lyon, FranceThe SNETP Forum 2022 edition will be held on 2 June 2022 in Lyon, France, in conjunction with FISA’2022 (10th Euratom Conference on Reactor Safety) and EURADWASTE’22 (10th Euratom Conference Radioactive Waste Management). The SNETP Forum 2022 will aim at discussing and analysing recent technological innovations in different fields selected by the SNETP Scientific Committee
SNETPFORWARD kick-off meeting
Lyon, FranceSNETPFORWARD is a three year project focused on helping the SNETP association consolidate its structure, strengthen its position in the SET-Plan and among the European ETIPs, enhance its ability to interact with the European and International associations and organisations, and boost the innovation capacities of its members. The kick off meeting will take place on
Technical Meeting on Synergies Between Nuclear Fusion Technology Developments and Advanced Nuclear Fission Technologies
Vienna, Austria ViennaAs the IAEA is working to facilitate sharing of relevant experience in fission technology to benefit the fusion community in technology development for electricity production, the purpose of this event is to provide a forum for the exchange of information as well as to present an up-to-date review of activities related to synergies in technology
Nuclear Europe Conference
Helsinki, FinlandThe 2022 edition of the Nuclear Europe Conference will focus on what lies ahead. The event will feature a high-level opening session, as well as three sessions dedicated to EU energy and climate policy, innovation in the nuclear sector. For more information, visit this website.
WNU Summer Institute Programme 2022
SpainThis year's programme will gather nuclear professionals from around the world. With different sorts of interventions, from lectures to mentored group work, this programme will aim at improving colleagues’ leadership abilities and team effectiveness. You can already apply for the programme which will take place in person from 19 June to 23 July 2022. The
Nuclear Safety in Europe – Sixth Regulatory Conference
Brussels, BelgiumThe sixth European Nuclear Safety Conference will take place on 20 and 21 June 2022 in the Charlemagne building of the European Commission, 170 Rue de la Loi / Boulevard Charlemagne, 1040 Brussels. The event will discuss the matter of nuclear safety in times of crisis, especially in today's context. More information about the event here. You
KERNTECHNIK 2022 Conference
Leipzig, GermanyKERNTECHNIK (former AMNT Annual Meeting for Nuclear Technology) brings together operators, manufacturers, suppliers, politics, authorities and research experts to discuss the nuclear industry and offers exhibitions and workshops. More information here.
New Nuclear in the UK and Europe Summit
London, UKOn June 23rd 2022 will be held the new Nuclear in the UK and Europe Summit in London. Organised by City & Financial Global, the event will be chaired by r Tim Stone CBE, Chair of the Nuclear Industry Association and of Nuclear Risk Insurers. Find out more about the event here!
TeaM Cables Final Symposium and Training Workshop
Paris, FranceThe TeaM Cables Final Symposium and Training Workshop will take place from 28-30 June 2022 in Paris, France. The event will offer a final symposium on Cable Ageing Management applied to Nuclear Power Plants, as well as a Training Workshop on the TeaM Cables Tool and Non Destructive Techniques. You can register here
26th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 26)
Berlin, GermanyThe future of mankind depends on a progressive energy supply. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of our conference series, SMiRT 26 is set to mark the beginning of a new era and will bring leaders, managers and engineers from around the world together to drive innovation for safe, reliable and efficient nuclear energy in the face
Global Forum for Nuclear Innovation 2022 – London, UK
London, UKLed by NNL, IAEA, OECD-NEA, EPRI and EDF, the Global Forum for Nuclear Innovation 2022 will be held 17-19 July at the Institute of Engineering Technology in London, UK. The Global Forum for Nuclear Innovation 2022 is a sector-wide collective effort to accelerate the cultural and behavioural transformation that is necessary to drive innovation required
Post-SMiRT 26 Seminar
Zurich, SwitzerlandThe upcoming Post-SMiRT 26 Seminar in Zurich, Switzerland will take place from 18 to 20 July 2022. The seminar will address the safety of nuclear installations by exchanging knowledge gathered recently. For more information, please click here.
TelfordThe DECOM2022 will take place on 20 July 2022 in Telford. The event will gather stakeholders from the decommissioning sector and will discuss ways to reduce nuclear liabilities. Find out more about the event and register here!