14th SET Plan Conference 2020


The 14th SET Plan Conference "Enabling the SET Plan for the EU Green Recovery" will take place on 23 and 24 November 2020 in an online format. This conference is an opportunity for policymakers, researchers and stakeholders to evaluate the progress made towards achieving the SET Plan goals. The event will be opened by Peter

9th International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND)

Aachen, Germany

The ICOND focuses on the relevant legal parameters in Germany and compares decommissioning strategies worldwide. This includes roles of authorization, financial planning, and change management in the transition from nuclear power plant to decommissioned project. Furthermore the different options for interim storage and disposal of radioactive waste are discussed. More information on the event website.

Workshop on Advanced Measurement Method and Instrumentation for enhancing Severe Accident Management (SAMMI) 2020


This OECD/NEA specialist workshop will promote international exchange of information on advanced or innovative measurement methods and instrumentation as well as the use of revised strategies using installed instrumentation for Severe Accident Management (SAM). The scope considers measures to prevent and mitigate a SA in an NPP under harsh SA conditions as well as long-term

Workshop on innovative regulation: challenges and benefits of harmonising the licensing process for emerging technologies


The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in collaboration with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is hosting a multi-sector workshop on 14-18 December 2020 on safely regulating innovative and disruptive technologies. This workshop will provide a forum for them to share experiences in standardisation, design review, licensing and reporting systems, and international coordination. Download the

Workshop on Commercial- Grade Dedication for European Nuclear Regulators, TSOs and Utilities


This workshop will present the concept of Commercial-Grade Dedication (CGD) and the benefits, experience and challenges of CGD implementation to nuclear stakeholders. The workshop will take place virtually from 12 to 14 January 2021 and registration is free of charge. The programme includes presentations from experts of utilities that commonly use CGD or are in

European Round Table on Radioactive Waste Management


The AARHUS Convention and Nuclear (ACN) European Round Table on Radioactive Waste Management, organised by the European Commission (DG ENER) and Nuclear Transparency Watch (NTW), will take place online from 13 to 15 January 2021. The round table will gather stakeholders concerned by radioactive waste management to discuss implementation of the Aarhus Convention principles. Detailed

McSAFER training course on SMR LWR technologies


This free course on Small Modular Reactors is organised by the Horizon 2020 McSAFER project (High-Performance Advanced Methods and Experimental Investigations for the Safety Evaluation of Generic Small Modular Reactors) that works to advance the safety research for SMRs by combining experimental investigations and numerical simulations. The course will focus on SMR LWR technologies including

SNETP FORUM 2021 – Towards innovative R&D in civil nuclear fission


The SNETP FORUM 2021 will take place virtually on 2-4 February 2021. Full detailed programme available here. Registration Please click here to register. Event details Free SNETP event. Considering the impossibility to meet physically, SNETP will facilitate this event free of charge for all SNETP member organisations. Virtual forum. The event will be hosted on the online platform

NUGENIA TA6 Virtual Meeting


NUGENIA TA6 will hold a virtual meeting in the morning of 2 February (before the SNETP FORUM)

FORATOM Webinar on Financing Nuclear New Build


The FORATOM webinar on Financing Nuclear New Build will take place on 11 February in a virtual format. It will focus on the conclusions of the FORATOM Investment Framework Task Force (IFTF) that highlighted some key principles for financing nuclear new build. The webinar objective is to make investors and policy makers aware of some

EU Industry Days 2021


EU Industry Days 2021, Europe's annual event on industry, will take place online from 23 - 26 February. The event will serve as platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses. Some of the topics addressed this year will be decarbonisation of the industry value chains, low carbon affordable energy and driving industrial

EURAD 1st Annual Conference

European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (EURAD) 1st Annual Conference. More information here.

Joint seminar Finnish KYT2022 and SAFIR2022 programmes


A joint mid-term seminar of the KYT2022 and SAFIR2022 programs will be held on 18-19 March 2021 as a webinar. KYT2022 is the Finnish National Nuclear Waste Management Research Program 2019-2022 and SAFIR 2022 the Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety 2019 - 2022. Registration and seminar program will be announced shortly.

DigiDecom 2021 – online workshop


The DigiDecom 2021 online workshop will focus on digital transformation, robotics and other game changing trends in nuclear decommissioning. The workshop will disseminate results from the SHARE and PLEIADES Horizon 2020 projects and the RocoDecom and LiveDecom Norwegian funded projects. Download DigiDecom 2021 flyer here. Abstracts submission deadline: 1 February 2021. For further information, please

AFCEN International Congress 2021


The AFCEN International Congress 2021 "40 years of experience to prepare the future of nuclear power" will take place on 23 & 24 March 2021 in a virtual format. The following topics will be covered: The role of AFCEN codes in support to the French nuclear fleet with EDF/DPN/UNIE director, Jean-Christophe Huchard The role of

Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management 2021


Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management 2021 will gather leaders and decision-makers from nuclear power industry, namely, nuclear power generator companies, nuclear power plant (NPP) owners and operators, contractors, and the governmental representatives responsible for decommissioning, waste management and safety regulation, to discuss ongoing challenges, trends and build business relationships through productive networking and knowledge-sharing. We

European Symposium on Non-Destructive Evaluation for NPP


The ADVISE and NOMAD European projects (H2020 Euratom) have the pleasure to announce the joint organisation of the “European Symposium on Non-destructive Evaluation for NPP” to be held on 4-5 May 2021 in a virtual format. This 2-day event will bring together both projects, as well as a number of other national initiatives and will cover NDE topics

Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Chemistry Conference (NFC3)


The Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Chemistry Conference (NFC3) will be held on May 4 & 5 2021 in a virtual format. The conference intends to provide a unique platform dedicated to discussions on the latest chemistry research progress and breakthroughs within the nuclear fuel cycle community. Supported by the H2020 GENIORS program, the NFC3 conference