Workshop on Commercial- Grade Dedication for European Nuclear Regulators, TSOs and Utilities
12 January 2021 - 14 January 2021
This workshop will present the concept of Commercial-Grade Dedication (CGD) and the benefits, experience and challenges of CGD implementation to nuclear stakeholders. The workshop will take place virtually from 12 to 14 January 2021 and registration is free of charge. The programme includes presentations from experts of utilities that commonly use CGD or are in the process of implementing CGD, as well as presentations from nuclear supply chain experts, including perspectives from a former U.S. regulator. Representatives of European nuclear regulators and TSOs are invited to give their perspectives on CGD and thus are highly encouraged to present these in the workshop.
Download here the workshop announcement & preliminary agenda.
Register via this link (instructions in the above document):
The deadline for registration is January 8, 2021.