McSAFER training course on SMR LWR technologies
25 January 2021 - 27 January 2021
This free course on Small Modular Reactors is organised by the Horizon 2020 McSAFER project (High-Performance Advanced Methods and Experimental Investigations for the Safety Evaluation of Generic Small Modular Reactors) that works to advance the safety research for SMRs by combining experimental investigations and numerical simulations.
The course will focus on SMR LWR technologies including design peculiarities, safety systems and accident analysis. The lectures will cover the following topics for different SMR technologies:
- Introduction to SMR LWR Technologies
- Reactor and safety systems description
- Core main features
- Accident analysis
The course consists of eight lectures (45 min. each) distributed over three days. Lectures will be given by international experts from Jacobs (UK), Tractebel (Belgium), KIT (Germany), VTT (Finland), UJV (Czech Republic), CNEA (Argentine) and UPM (Spain). Online quizzes will be included in each lecture to help online learning.