Workshop on Standardization and qualification activities for innovative nuclear materials CIEMAT

Madrid, Spain

The Workshop on Standardization and qualification activities for innovative nuclear materials, will take place from 16th-17th Nov 2023 in Madrid Spain, in CIEMAT's quarters. Organized as part of the INNUMAT HORIZON EURATOM project, the workshop aims to showcase and exchange various initiatives focused on the qualification of innovative materials. These materials can serve as protective

ECC-SMART workshop on materials for Generation IV reactors

Madrid, Spain

ECC-SMART workshop on materials for Generation IV reactors Madrid 27, 28 & 29 November 2023 in Madrid The objective of this workshop organized by ECC-SMART in collaboration with EERA-Joint Programme of Nuclear Materials and the participation of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), is to provide a platform for scientists and engineers working on various

ENLIT Europe 2023

Paris, France

The ENLIT Europe 2023 will take place in Paris on 27-29 November 2023. More information and registration links here!

WNE 2023

Paris Nord Villepinte, France

WNE - World Nuclear Exhibition will be held in Paris Nord - Villepinte Paris from next 28 to 30 November 2023 presenting the news of French and international companies related to the energy sectors. SNETP will be present! Register now! 

ASTEC 2023

Brussels, Belgium

Join the ASTEC event on December 8th, organized by the IRSN in Brussels. This event will explore the strategic directions for the ASTEC project, addressing safety challenges in future nuclear systems, including small and advanced modular reactors. Discover how ASTEC is shaping the future of nuclear safety and fostering the development of younger generations through

HARMONISE project Workshop


Join the 3rd HARMONISE project workshop held virtually on 11 December 2023 (9:00-11:30 CET).  Objectives of the HARMONISE Project: Objective 1: To analyse preliminary safety assessments of innovative fission and fusion installations. Objective 2: To peruse the licensing needs for innovative nuclear installations. Objective 3: To examine risk-informed, performance-based (RIPB) approaches in licensing reviews and

Advanced Nuclear: From Research to Reality

Brussels, Belgium

Attend the 'Advanced Nuclear: From Research to Reality' workshop on 13 December at the Press Club Brussels Europe (Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels) from 15:30 to 18:35. Join us for an insightful discussion followed by a delightful walking dinner. Register now!

Workshop on National Nuclear Workforce Assessments

Brussels, Belgium

The JRC/EHRO-N is organising, in collaboration with Nucleareurope and European Nuclear Society, a workshop on approaches for performing Nuclear Workforce Assessments (NWA). The European Human Resources Observatory in the Nuclear field (EHRO-N), is driven by organisations representing major stakeholders in the European Civil Nuclear Sector and managed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Workshop on National Nuclear Workforce Assessments

Brussels, Belgium

Workshop on National Nuclear Workforce Assessments Approaches for managing human resources and competences in the nuclear sector Specific objective: The objectives of the workshop is to share experiences, knowledge and national approaches in relation to building and/or maintaining sufficient human resources and competences in the nuclear field (full cycle of power generation, research, medical, safety

The 9th Central & Eastern Europe Nuclear Industry Congress 2024

Prague, Czech Republic

The 9th Central & Eastern Europe Nuclear Industry Congress 24-26 April 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic, brings together key players across the nuclear power plant life cycle. With a focus on the CEE nuclear market, the congress highlights new build projects, life extension initiatives, and decommissioning projects. Attendees will share best practices and explore innovative technologies

18-th International Exhibition «UZENERGYEXPO 2024»

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The 18-th International Exhibition «UZENERGYEXPO 2024 is a current event taking place from 29 to 31 October 2024 that allows all participants in the energy marketexchange experience with foreign partners, get the opportunityestablish and expand business contacts, and also take part in the futuredevelopment of this industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

ENLIT Impact Circle

Milan, Italy

Taking place on February 8th in Milan, Italy, the ENLIT Impact Circle brings together a group of esteemed energy specialists. This collective is dedicated to envisioning and charting an exciting Enlit Europe program. During this in-person meeting, members will collaboratively identify essential trends, explore captivating topics, select dynamic speakers, and define engaging formats for both

SET Plan Steering Group meeting


This event aims to present the achievements of the Nuclear safety working group at the upcoming SET Plan Steering Group meeting

ENEN – Nuclear Skills in Europe

Brussels, Belgium

Nuclear Skills in Europe – the impact of E&T // 2024 ENEN’s Special Event and General Assembly. These events will take place on February 29th and on March 1st . On February 29th, The Special Event will start at 09.00 at ENEN’s premises, at Fondation Universitaire. We choose to dedicate this event to nuclear skills

Nuketech events – Nuclear robotics

Join the seminar on nuclear robotics, presented as part of the Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies' program. This event will feature presentations from three startups, highlighting their innovative work in the field of nuclear robotics. The seminar aims to foster a deeply technical discussion, where participants can openly share achievements and challenges. Attendance is available

NEA – 2024 Workshop on Nuclear Supply Chain Oversight

Paris, France

Join the NEA 2024 workshop focusing on supply chain oversight in the nuclear industry. Organized in collaboration with the WNA and IAEA, the event will address current challenges and potential risks, ensuring safe and reliable nuclear operations. Scheduled for 5-6 March 2024, the workshop will gather government and regulatory bodies, industry leaders, and standards development

Nuketech events – Marine-based nuclear propulsion


Join the chat with Professor Jan Emblemsvåg, head of the Nuclear Propulsion of Merchant Ships project, as he provides insights into the rationales, state-of-the-art advancements, and prospects for nuclear-based marine propulsion. The event will be held online, offering participants the opportunity to engage in an informative discussion. Register now! 

The Research & Innovation Week 2024

Tour & Taxis, Belgium

Save the dates, March 18-21, 2024, for The Research & Innovation Week in Brussels. This event will be held both online and physically at Tour & Taxis, celebrating 40 years of the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes.

TITANS « Third Tritium School »


The 3rd edition of the Tritium School is a hybrid event taking place from 18 to 22 March 2024, in Marseille, France. It will consist of five days: four days will be dedicated to invited lectures and contributed talks, and the last day of the event a visit of ITER will be organised. The young generation of


Temelín, Czech Republic

Join the ENIQ 2024 spring meetings, which are kindly hosted by CEZ, a.s. from 19th – 21st March 2024 at Temelin NPP site, Czech Republic. The exact meeting schedule is as follows: 66th SC meeting: Tuesday, 19th March, 14:00 – 17:30 (SC members only); 66th SAQ meeting and 43rd SAE meeting (in parallel): Wednesday, 20th

Skills for the nuclear sector in Europe – Towards a large-scale and regional partenership?

On the occasion of the Nuclear Energy Summit 2024, France Universités and Université de Caen Normandie, in partnership with CEA, IRSN and CDEFI, organise the “Skills for the Nuclear Sector in Europe – Towards a Large-scale and Regional Partnership?” event. Thi event will be held at Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie on Wednesday 20th and

Nuclear Energy Summit

Brussels, Belgium

The Nuclear Energy Summit will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 21 and 22 March 2024.  World leaders will meet in Brussels for the first Nuclear Energy Summit, co-chaired by Belgian Prime Minister De Croo and IAEA Director General Grossi. The summit focuses on nuclear energy's role in global challenges, following its historic inclusion in

European Industrial Alliance on SMALL MODULAR REACTORS

Brussels, Belgium

Save the date for the first dissemination event of the European Industrial Alliance on SMALL MODULAR REACTORS which will take place on March 22nd, 2024 from 10.00h to 13.00h at the European Commission premisses in the Charlemagne building, Brussels. This event aims to present the scope, objectives, and upcoming activities of the European Industrial Alliance