Projects news

GRE@T-PIONEeR workshop: Co-design of an innovative teaching method for nuclear education

GRE@T-PIONEeR, a Euratom project labelled by SNETP and working on developing specialised education and training resources for post-graduate students and engineers in nuclear reactor physics, modelling, and safety, is hosting the stakeholder workshop "Co-design of an innovative teaching method for nuclear education" on Thursday 18 November 2021 in the Thon Hotel Brussels City Center. The

2021-10-26T15:41:39+02:00October 26th, 2021|Events, Projects news|Comments Off on GRE@T-PIONEeR workshop: Co-design of an innovative teaching method for nuclear education

The 5th NARSIS project newsletter is out!

The New Approach to Reactor Safety Improvements (NARSIS) Horizon 2020 project aims to bring sound contributions to the safety assessment methodologies focusing on external natural events such as earthquake, tsunami, flooding, high-speed winds, etc. On 9 & 12 April 2021, the NARSIS project will hold a virtual workshop "Training on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear

2021-03-15T18:41:25+01:00March 15th, 2021|Projects news|Comments Off on The 5th NARSIS project newsletter is out!

New European H2020 EURATOM research project: INNO4GRAPH

Press release Paris, 10 February 2021 INNO4GRAPH: INNOvative tools FOR dismantling of GRAPHite moderated nuclear reactors What are the most optimal ways to dismantle graphite reactors? What remote tools can help operators to safely remove radioactive graphite? What solutions will be the most cost-efficient for dismantling operations in reactors of such complexity and dimension? These

2021-02-15T17:43:59+01:00February 15th, 2021|Projects news|Comments Off on New European H2020 EURATOM research project: INNO4GRAPH

NARSIS project newsletter

The New Approach to Reactor Safety Improvements (NARSIS) Horizon 2020 project aims to bring sound contributions to the safety assessment methodologies focusing on external natural events such as earthquake, tsunami, flooding, high-speed winds, etc. The NARSIS consortium brings together 18 organisations from 10 different European countries. Download NARSIS 4th newsletter here to find out more

2021-01-26T18:12:28+01:00December 18th, 2020|Projects news|Comments Off on NARSIS project newsletter

PREDIS project newsletter

The Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste (PREDIS) Horizon 2020 project targets the development and improvement of activities for the characterisation, processing, storage and acceptance of intermediate- and low-level (ILW/LLW) radioactive waste streams. The project is being carried out by a consortium of 47 partners from 17 countries and is coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre

2020-12-18T08:42:07+01:00December 14th, 2020|Projects news|Comments Off on PREDIS project newsletter

GRE@T-PIONEeR – Survey on competency in the nuclear energy sector

The availability of competencies in the labour market of nuclear energy is under considerable stress due to its phasing out in some countries and political attitudes towards the sector. If you are relevant to the field, please participate in the survey conducted by the H2020 - GRE@T-PIONEeR project which aims at securing the availability of

2020-12-06T15:15:41+01:00December 7th, 2020|Projects news|Comments Off on GRE@T-PIONEeR – Survey on competency in the nuclear energy sector

SHARE Decommissioning project online workshop

The Horizon 2020 SHARE project, focusing on creating a roadmap for research in decommissioning, will hold an online workshop from 1 to 3 December 2020. This online event will be an opportunity to discover the first results of the project, the methodology used and the next steps; to coordinate with other international initiatives; and to

2020-11-27T13:47:37+01:00November 27th, 2020|Events, Projects news|Comments Off on SHARE Decommissioning project online workshop

New EURATOM projects labelled by SNETP

A series of nuclear projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Euratom programme and labelled by one of SNETP pillars (NUGENIA, ESNII & NC2I) have recently kicked off (see list below). Project factsheets with detailed information on each of the projects will be added to the SNETP portfolio page in the upcoming weeks.

2020-11-18T11:17:24+01:00November 18th, 2020|Projects news|Comments Off on New EURATOM projects labelled by SNETP

EDF Group leads on METIS project that assesses the seismic risk of NPP

METIS Press release - EDF Group leads on METIS project that assesses the seismic risk of Nuclear Power Plants The methods and tools innovations for seismic risk assessment (METIS) Horizon 2020 project has been officially launched after a recent virtual kick off meeting. It aims to improve confidence in nuclear safety by advancing the approach

2020-11-09T12:09:13+01:00November 9th, 2020|Projects news|Comments Off on EDF Group leads on METIS project that assesses the seismic risk of NPP

NC2I/GEMINI+ final workshop High Temperature Reactors for deep decarbonisation

The GEMINI Horizon 2020 project in collaboration with SNETP pillar, NC2I, will hold its final workshop virtually on 25 November 2020. The half-day online event will address the contribution of High Temperature Reactors (HTR) to deep decarbonisation. The workshop will be composed of the following three panels: Panel 1: The global picture: the role of

2020-11-06T16:28:49+01:00October 23rd, 2020|Projects news|Comments Off on NC2I/GEMINI+ final workshop High Temperature Reactors for deep decarbonisation
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