The OFFERR project is approaching its next cut-off date on 30 September 2024. This is a crucial opportunity for researchers and organisations to apply for funding and support in various Call Areas.

Important Announcement for Call Area 3: “Waste and Decommissioning”

We are pleased to announce that with the closing of the third cut-off date, the OFFERR project has successfully reached its target for Call Area 3: “Waste and Decommissioning.” As a result, funding for this specific Call Area is no longer available. We thank all applicants who have contributed to this achievement.

Explore Other Call Areas

Despite the closure of Call Area 3, numerous other Call Areas remain open for submissions. We encourage all interested parties to explore these opportunities and submit their proposals by the 30 September deadline.

How to Apply

All necessary documents for submission can be found on the OFFERR website. Ensure you review the guidelines and complete your proposals in a timely manner to be considered for funding.

For more information and to access submission documents, visit the OFFERR Website.

Don’t miss your chance to contribute to innovative projects and secure funding through the OFFERR project!