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Join us for our Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on 26 March 2025 in Brussels. This workshop aims to share the best practices and lessons learnt from TANDEM and other EU related initiatives as well as develop a set of practical recommendations for improving stakeholder engagement processes to harness even stronger collaboration among networks.

The workshop will:

  • Facilitate peer-to-peer learning and exchange of best practices among participants on stakeholder engagement strategies.
  • Identify key challenges and opportunities for effective stakeholder engagement in the context of nuclear research and SMRs.
  • Develop actionable policy recommendations for enhancing stakeholder engagement processes at different levels (EU, national, regional, local).

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Timing  Topic  Speaker 
10:30  Welcome & Introduction  CEA 
10:45  Short overview of the TANDEM EU Project  CEA 
11:00  Feedback of the actions stakeholder engagement actions undertaken by TANDEM  VTT 
11:30  Rountable 1: Experience sharing 

Participants to share their own experience in terms of stakeholder engagement, including challenges faced 

All participants 
12:30  Lunch break   
13:30  Rountable 2: Brainstorming  

Which stakeholders should be engaged in the debate and at which level (EU, national, regional, local) 

Identification of different ways of building and maintaining trust 

Engagement with specific audiences (e.g. women, immigrants) 

Identification of useful tools 

All participants 
14:30  Coffee break   
14:45  Rountable 2 continues  All participants 
15:45  Policy recommendations (discussion)  All participants 
16:15  Concluding remarks and next steps  VTT 


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