Second Workshop Energy Materials for Innovation (EM4I) Workshop series – From Lab to Engineering
5 October 2021 - 6 October 2021
Continuing on the success of “Materials Discovery and Development” workshop last July, we are happy to announce our second event of “Energy Materials for Innovation (EM4I)” workshop series to take place on October 5th & 6th 2021. In this 2-half-day webinar “From Lab to Engineering,” the focus is given on a crucial question “How to bring innovative ideas and products from the lab to the engineering scale?” It will include 9 invited seminars by experts from both academic and industrial communities representing different energy technologies, followed by a discussion with the panelists on what are the successful practices and bottlenecks when moving up on the innovation value chain.
The workshop program, the list of invited speakers and the registration information all available on the EERA’s website.