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The European School on Nuclear Materials Science will take place from 9 to 13 November 2020 at the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques (IESC) in Cargèse, Corsica, France. It will focus on the nuclear materials science by addressing the multiscale modelling and characterization of materials phenomena in the nuclear materials science context. It will bring together world-leading scientists in topics ranging from advanced electronic structure theory to continuum modelling, as well as sophisticated experimental characterization techniques to give the students the best possible toolbox for their future careers as nuclear materials scientists. All types of nuclear materials will be treated: structural (metallic and ceramics), functional and fuel materials.
The school is co-organised by the Horizon 2020 European projects INSPYRE, GEMMA, M4F and IL TROVATORE and supervised by the EERA-JPNM.
For more information please visit this website.

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