SNETP has published the 2022 proceedings of the ERMSAR 2022 conference. The event gathered 118 participants (more than 100 in person!) from nearly 50 organizations settled in 21 countries worldwide (EU, USA, Republic of Korea, Brazil, Japan, India).
60 papers were presented and nine more were exhibited in the posters stand, among which two were submitted by Ukrainian colleagues from ES Group.
For the fourth time, the conference has been organized in the framework of the Technical Area 2 of the NUclear GENeration II and III pillar (NUGENIA TA2) of SNETP Association, and for the first time in collaboration with IAEA and OECD/NEA. The Technical Programme Committee involved 18 researchers from diverse organizations (BT, CEA, CIEMAT, ENEA, Framatome GmbH, GRS, IAEA, INRN, IRSN, JSI, KIT, KTH, NEA and University of Pisa).
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